When it comes to teaching science in the classroom, the best bet is usually hands-on learning. Science experiments are often thought of as challenging or difficult, but they can also be a lot of fun. Lots of 3rd-grade science lessons ask students to make an observation, do research in a journal, and design and carry out their own experiments by using the scientific method.
The science projects below are not only quick and easy, but they are also very engaging. Some of the projects need students to utilize a kit and conduct an experiment at home, while others require them to create a model activity. These exercises can be completed in class or over the summer with the assistance of parents. Before beginning any project, whether at school or at home, always get permission from your teacher.

1. Fossil Making
Students will learn the basics of paleontology, the study of prehistoric life on earth. Fossils are preserved impressions or traces of plants and animals from thousands and millions of years ago. It is important to understand that fossils come in many shapes and sizes. Some are very hard to see with the naked eye; others are so big you can see them from space, like the Grand Canyon.
2. Break the Rules of Gravity
Are you ready to defy gravity? You will be with this cool science project. Balloon rockets are a blast and are sure to wow family and friends. The main ingredient is hot air, also known as fire! Students will record their observations while they’re doing the experiment. In the end, they’ll have a final product that’s fun and educational.
learn more : https://buggyandbuddy.com/gravity/
3. Making an Ice Berg
Icebergs are one of the most beautiful sights of nature. The white, blue, and green colors create a magnificent vision that can only be seen in its natural habitat. This project will help students get a better understanding of why this phenomenon happens in nature.
learn more https://www.science-sparks.com/titanic-science-make-an-iceberg/
4. Salt for Fall
The following salt crystal project is great for fall. When creating this activity, it is important to understand that the color of the crystals will be determined by what type of food coloring you use. Take note that adding a little bit of water to the salt makes the crystals form faster.
learn more https://www.steamsational.com/salt-crystal-leaves/
5. Water Cycle Model
The water cycle is very important in nature and has a direct impact on our lives. By using simple recycled materials, students will learn how evaporation, transpiration, and precipitation are related to each other and form part of the larger water cycle model.
lean more :https://www.science-sparks.com/make-a-mini-water-cycle/
6. Center of Gravity
This is a project about sturdiness. Students will devise an experiment to see how much weight behaves differently depending on where it is positioned. After that, students will conduct a range of experiments, constructing their own and obtaining the necessary measurements to learn how different materials react to forces.
7. Marble Racetracks
This project is an enjoyable one that will have students doing experiments that will demonstrate gravitational force. Students can try out different shapes and sizes of areas to see which ones make the marble move faster or slower.
lean more : https://theworkbenchutah.wordpress.com/category/wooden-toys/
8. Cloud in a Bottle
Using materials tubes, rubber stoppers, and a plastic bottle, this experiment teaches students about aerosols. By adding soap to water, students will create a cloud in their bottles when the air is released from the rubber stopper.
lean more : https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/make-clouds-in-a-bottle
9. Bounce Bubbles
This is a fun exercise that introduces kids to the concept of bubbles. Students will pour water into a transparent plastic container and “bounce” the bubbles over and around the bottle.
learn more : https://www.thoughtco.com/bouncing-bubble-recipe-603927
10. Umbrella Building
With simple household items, students will design an experiment to see how air pressure can be used to make an umbrella stay put on the ground.
learn more: https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/what-makes-the-best-umbrella-stem-challenge/
11. Star Projector
Using a flashlight and some white paper, students will learn how light is formed and how it can be projected outward.
learn more https://www.teachingexpertise.com/classroom-ideas/solar-system-project-ideas/
12. Catapaults
Catapults are a great way to challenge the mind and eye. First, you will need to choose which material you’ll be using for your catapult. The most common is wood, but other popular materials used in this project include cardboard, rubber bands, and duct tape. Next, you’ll need to choose an end for the projectile by picking between the long and short-range. The longer the range, the harder it will be to launch your arrow, but the farther it will travel.
learn more : https://frugalfun4boys.com/marshmallow-catapult/
13. Explore Water Temperatures
There are a lot of different projects that can be done with water. Water is both a liquid and solid; it’s also the substance that covers most of our planet. Understanding this substance is important to students who are interested in ecology, biology, and environmental science, as well as other sciences like chemistry and physics.
learn more : https://www.123homeschool4me.com/ice-salt-temperature-science-for-kids_28/
14. Water Balloon Buoyancy
Water Balloon Buoyancy is an experiment that allows students to learn about density and buoyancy. Using several water balloons, students can measure how much they weigh in different sizes of balloons. This experiment can be done at home or in the classroom.
learn more :https://www.adabofgluewilldo.com/sink-float-science-experiment-using-balloons/
15. Erosion Exploration
Erosion is essential to learning about geology and the environment. Erosion can cause problems for farmers when their land becomes too dry and their crops start dying. Once that happens, the farmer must make an observation about what happened, research his findings in a journal, and then come up with a plan to prevent erosion.
learn more https://thesciencepenguin.com/2016/02/erosion.html
16. Water Pressure Experiment
A water pressure experiment is an activity that helps students understand that water is a lot like gas and air. Water pressure, like gas and air pressure, can create movement. The more water you pour into a container, the more pressure you’ll have, and thus the more movement you’ll create.
learn more :https://playingwithrain.com/water-pressure-experiment/
17. Temperature and Density Correlation
A temperature and density correlation is an experiment that asks students to understand how temperature and density are correlated. All liquids expand as they get warmer, and all solids contract as they get older.
learn more :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0xB15fNzHc
18. Exploding Art
Exploding Art is a fun and inexpensive project for 3rd-grade science. Making homemade paper and creating exploding Art is a great way to explore your creative side. In this project, students will make colorful exploding art pieces using wheat paste, food coloring, and tissue paper.
19. Make Paper from Paper
Paper is a very important paper to have in school and at home. “Make Paper from Paper” takes a simple paper and makes it into something really interesting. This project gives students the tools, knowledge, and confidence to make their own papers.
learn more : https://www.undercoverclassroom.com/recycled-paper-in-classroom/
20. Water Filtration
This is one of the most important things a family can do. We should be filtering our drinking water in order to avoid disease and infection. In this project, students will learn about filtration and how it works.
learn more :https://teachbesideme.com/water-filtration-experiment/
21. Invisible Ink
Invisible ink is the key to many spy missions, secret messages, and solving murders. We are going to put invisible ink on paper and make it into a drawing.
learn more : https://scienceexplorers.com/invisible-ink-experiment/
22. Composting
Composting is an easy method of making soil amendments and fertilizer at home. All you will need to do this activity is a bin, starter material, and kitchen scraps. You will grow a soil amendment for your garden by recycling kitchen scraps and lawn clippings into nutritious soil for your plants.
learn more :https://www.teachstarter.com/us/blog/composting-in-the-classroom/
23. Growing Veggies Sprout
Kids will learn about the secret life of plants and how to grow their own. They will understand that plants need sunshine, water, and food in order to grow. Kids will also learn about how to grow different kinds of veggies from seeds, including carrots, peas, beans, tomatoes, and peppers. This project is very simple and fast to do.
learn more : https://lifeovercs.com/germinating-seeds-bag-science-experiment-kids/
24. Exploring Conduction
In this project, kids will learn about electricity and conductors and how electricity flows. They will also learn about insulators and how they stop or slow down the flow of electricity. Kids will create a simple circuit on their own using everyday materials that they can find in their house.
lean more https://www.scienceprojects.org/electrical-conductors-and-insulators/
25. Balloon Powered Car
The automobile is made out of a balloon, a few playing cards, a penny, and some tape. All you’ll need is a balloon and some tape to get started. The balloon is simple to inflate, and then cables can be attached to it to make it into a battery pack. Before installing cables as the track for the vehicle to drive on, the playing cards can be attached to the automobile. If you wish to use a quarter, make sure it weighs less than one gram. Otherwise, your automobile will not move.
26. Build a Tower
just paper, glue, and a little water!
Students will learn that the three simple ingredients, water, paper, and glue, make a really strong sticky mess. It is important to always follow the instructions exactly. This project is also useful because it teaches students how to keep their work areas clean.
;earn more : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G2bE0KiZJI
27. Static Experiment
This experiment is fun and not too dangerous. Depending on the type of static generator you use, you will either be playing with a spark or an electric charge.
learn more :https://www.steamsational.com/easy-science-experiments-static-electricity/
28. Mentos and Coke
This experiment is about as fun as a soda pop commercial. This project is really easy and really fun. The results are fast and impressive!
learn more https://www.stevespanglerscience.com/lab/experiments/original-mentos-diet-coke-geyser/
29. Melt a Cup
This experiment is hands down a great beginner project because it’s easy to understand, fun, and easy to conduct in the classroom.
30. Make Colorful Flowers
This project is fun, fast, and easy! Anyone can do this, even the little ones! Using only a few supplies and just a little water, you can make colorful flowers. This project is great for a class party or as a decoration for any day/event.
learn more https://www.momjunction.com/articles/cool-paper-flower-crafts-children_0074282/
31. How Do Plants Eat?
Students will learn how a plant’s roots work to support the plant, usually by being exposed to soil nutrients that have dissolved in water seeping down from the leaves.
learn more https://www.plt.org/educator-tips/easy-plant-science-experiments-for-the-classroom/