The internet is full of fraction games for kids. These interactive fractions games teach students about parts of a whole, comparing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, multiplying mixed numbers with like denominators, dividing mixed numbers with like denominators and finding the missing common denominator.
Kids instantly will love these fraction games. They can turn fractions into a race, using the visual diagram on the screen to track their progress . They can also choose to solve math problems in order to eat their favorite foods for dinner! The games are easy enough for young kids and challenging enough that math geeks of all ages will find something fun to play.

Top 25 Fraction Games for Kids
1. Sort Sticky Notes
Students will cut out a set of corresponding fraction pieces (each piece has two denominators, one on top and one on the bottom). They will then glue these sticky notes to create an object that shows a relationship between fractions.

2. Fraction Dominoes
Students will start by cutting out all of the fraction cards and then making 4 piles of 12 fractions each. Once they have done this they have to lay out their cards in order from least to greatest without any overlapping numbers.

3. Connect Fractions to Learn and Win
In math class, students will usually learn how to connect fractions. On their own, students can also use fraction games to practice these connections and increase their understanding of fractions.

4. Find the Fraction
This game is played just as it sounds- players will be asked to find a fraction hidden in their hands (one hand for each player). Compare fractions with pictures to the fill in the blank to find out what is being compared. The first person to find 10, or any multiple of 10, wins!

5. Explore the Fraction of the Day
This game is about exploring fractions through a variety of games. Fractions can be tricky for kids, but this site helps make them more relevant and interesting by relating them to real-life scenarios.

6. Grab the Fun of Fraction Spoons
Find a partner or play individually. Divide the spoons among the players. One player lays out all of their spoons on the table; then, each of the players takes turns adding a spoon to the table, going one at a time until all partners have laid out ten spoons face up. The first person to think of 10 correct answers without forgetting any fractions wins!

7. Get them in Order
Divide up the spoons and isolate them into different piles. Have one person take all the spoons in one pile; others take all the spoons in another pile. Players can then find the ones in their pile, put them in order, and add a new spoon to their pile to represent this number.

8. Fight It out in a Fraction War
Divide the class into two teams, choose a team to go first, and seat them at opposite ends of the room. The first team selects a fraction from their worksheet and “fights” on their side of the room for that fraction. If the fraction is an improper fraction, they must remain seated but can “fight” using as many fingers as necessary to represent the numerator.

9. Noodle Around with Fractions
To play this game, you will need a large piece of paper and some pencils. Make two circles on paper. Divide up the space between the circles into halves and fourths by drawing lines across both circles. Tell all players to draw a noodle, or line segment, starting at the two-quarter mark of one circle and ending at the two-quarter mark on the other circle. Players take turns drawing a noodle between each of the hash marks until every player has drawn ten noodles.

10. Build Excitement with LEGO Fraction Games
Build a fraction grid out of construction paper to practice counting and writing fractions. The game comes to life with colorful LEGO bricks. The first team to build a number of LEGO bricks greater than the opposing team’s total wins!

11. Top Spin with Fractions
Divide the classroom into two teams, one to go first. Take turns spinning the spoons in a circle and learning fractions. The first person to spin the spoons all the way around without losing them all wins!

12. Try Making Paper Plate Fractions
Have the students practice copying fractions onto paper plates. These are great to use as math centers, or even to make a fraction booklet. For example, it is easier for many students to have the fraction represented in a way they can “carry” instead of just seeing it written on its own.

13. Boogie Down with Newspaper Fractions
Put a paper on a flat surface, with 12 squares in a line (for 4 spoons) or 4 lines of 3 squares each (for 6 spoons). Have the children roll one die, but only if they land on the right number. The child whose number comes up with the correct number on that round collects all 12 pieces of paper. The other players must guess what fraction that number represents.

14. Move onto Fraction Avenue
Place the spoons face up on a line, in a row. The first player moves along one row of spoons and picks up one spoon, writing the number on the back of it. Then, everyone else moves onto the next row and does it again, until all spoons have been picked up and recorded. The child whose number comes up with the correct answer is then allowed to keep track of how many spoons each person has collected, adding them together afterwards.

15. Jump into Fraction Hopscotch
Place the spoons in a line, in a single column. Players move one square to the left or right. The number of spoons they pick up determines the number they will jump; then, the next player does it again, until all players have jumped their possible jumps. The first player to go through all the jumps is then allowed to keep track of how many spoons each person has collected, adding them together afterwards.

16. Turn Your Name into Fractions
Give your child a card with their name on it. Instead of calling out names, the teacher calls out fractions and asks the kids to find each other by tapping the backs of their hands with a fist and shouting “Fraction!” After everyone is found, the teacher should pass out cards that show fractions made from 1/2, 2/3, 4/6. Wherever those two numbers meet is where that person needs to stand.

17. Have a Picnic with a Small Group
Draw a big circle on the chalkboard, and divide it into four equal parts with lines. Place spoons from one part of the circle to another 4 times, 3/4 of each part respectively. This can be done with just one or two people.

18. Put a Spin on the Fraction Fun
Take out some small pieces of paper and crayons. On the paper, write each number from 1-10 (or a different number model) from the table above. Have the children draw whatever it is they think would be best to represent that fraction amount.

19. Try Your Hand at Number Pairing
Two people stand side by side and write down their numbers on slips of paper. When they’re both done, one of them picks a slip at a time and asks the other person if they have a fraction that goes with it. If so, they write that fraction on their own paper. If not, they move on and pick another slip of paper. The first person to find all of the numbers wins!

20. Fill in the Blanks to Play Fraction Bingo
Take out colored pencils or crayons and colored paper. Cut out rectangles that are the same size and color as the first spoons you divided up in the previous steps. Write a number from 1-10 (or a different number model) under each one. The first person to put all of their numbers in rectangles wins!

21. Race to the Finish Line by Reducing Fractions
Place the spoons face up on a table and divide them into two groups of five (for 5 spoons) or four groups of six (for 6 spoons). Give each player a different colored piece of paper. Ask the players to reduce the amount of their original number, by one. Whoever has reduced their number by the most at the end wins!

22. Use Fraction Pictionary to Elicit their Inventiveness
Grab paint and a blank piece of paper for each child. Tell the players to write fractions on their papers, drawing what goes along with that fraction. When they’re done, you can tell them how many of the right answers they got right. The player with the most right answers will win!

23. Build a Fraction Pyramid
Take out three pieces of paper and draw two perpendicular lines on all sides except the top one. Write 1/2 at the bottom, then 1/3 next to it and then 1/4 at the top. Have the players build a pyramid out of the pieces of paper, starting from 1/2. The person who builds it from 1/2 up to 1/4 is the winner!

24. Enter a Fraction Fiasco
Grab the whole class! Write out the different formats of fractions you can make with a certain number on it. Create your own and have the students guess which one is correct. (e.g., 4/5 = ?/2+1/2 = )

25. Use Domino Fractions to Do the Math
Find a whole row of dominoes and each have one side face up (e.g. 2-3-4) and write down the number on it, as well as where it’s in the row (e.g., 1 on top). Next, grab a whole column of dominoes, again with one side face up and write down the number on it, as well as where it’s in the column (e.g., 2 on left).