Do you love having a bulletin board laden with inspiring quotes and motivational messages but find it tough to keep them looking beautiful? As it turns out, most of the problem is that you’re too busy working on your projects to take care of the things around you. To help you out, here are some tips for beautifying your bulletin board.
One of the main causes of bulletin boards’ spectacle is that people simply leave a lot of clutter on them. Whether it’s papers or stuff from other projects, bulletin boards should be places where you keep things that inspire and motivate you for future reference. However, if the things there are not inspirational or motivational at all, then it makes sense to remove them from there.

35 How to Beautify Your Bulletin Board
1. Create a Clipboard Wall
Instead of pulling out all of your notes or clips from your pocket every time you need to see a certain idea again, use a clipboard wall for storing the things you would like to refer to often. You can make one by just hanging clipboards on the walls.
2. Use an Ikea Shelving Unit
If you’re not living in an apartment but prefer using a shelf instead of a bulletin board, consider buying an Ikea shelving unit made up of sturdy particleboards. You can use such a shelf for clipping stuff like you would do with a bulletin board.

3. Be Yourself Bulletin Board
The best thing about bulletin boards is that they are the visual representation of your very identity. You can use your bulletin board as a primary tool in creating an identity that you want to project while also being a good representative of the company you work for. Both personal and professional identities play an important role in influencing how others see you and take you seriously.
4. Emoji Bulletin Board
If you’re aiming for a fun yet still professional look, consider making a bulletin board with emojis. You can use it to display the office’s branding identity or show your personality.

5. Make an Inspiring Wall of Positive Quotes
Bulletin boards are great for displaying inspirational quotes that remind you of your goals and objectives. If you have not been using them to their maximum potential, consider going through some old ones and adding new ones.

6. Kick Start a New Year Bulletin Board
If you’re planning to start something new this year but need a bit of motivation, start a bulletin board just for goals you want to achieve. Make sure to keep it as up-to-date and meaningful as possible to never forget how awesome your New Year resolution is.
7. Fall into a Good Book
Bulletin boards are great to keep bookmarks and notes in, but they can also be used as a great way to mark the pages you are currently reading. You can create a wall with book covers-turned-bookmarkers and use them to highlight the pages you have already read.

8. Falling Leaves Bulletin Board
Once again, bulletin boards are great to post quotes and inspirational messages that you find inspiring enough, but when you want something a little more fun and creative, consider using a bulletin board to create an image of falling leaves. You can use this for Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, or even for Christmas if you have an old book with pictures of trees covered in fake snow.
9. Handprint Leaves Bulletin Board
Using a bulletin board as an opportunity to showcase your favorite handprints can be a great idea. You can create the picture by drawing big or small handprints before placing them on the bulletin board. You can decorate it once you’re done by putting some flowers and even some leaves behind the handprints.
10. Owl Vowel Bulletin Board
If you want to get creative with your bulletin board, consider using it as a way to create an image of an owl. You can use this for any celebration or event as it looks very enchanting and whimsical.
11. Smitten to Learn Bulletin Board
To create a bulletin board that is meaningful and inspirational, consider using it to display the things you want to learn. If you want to make it special, then add some quotes from books that inspired you.
12. Snowman Counting Bulletin Board
Using a bulletin board to display the number of snowmen you want to build can be a great way to help others understand how much work it takes to build them. You can create a wall with snowmen arrangements and add tally marks every time you count one more.

13. Snowflake Bulletin Board
If you want to create a bulletin board for Christmas, consider using it to create an image of snowflakes. You can decorate it by adding some inspirational quotes from books or the bible.
14. Never Stop Growing Bulletin Board
If you always want to keep yourself motivated and remind yourself that there’s more to learn, use a bulletin board to post interesting articles/photos that can help you grow as an individual or as a professional.
15. Butterfly Lifecycle Bulletin Board
You might use the spring topic to expose your children to the life cycle of butterflies. From a cocoon to a lovely butterfly perched on a flower, each feature of a butterfly can be displayed on your bulletin board.
16. Bulletin Board for New Year’s Resolutions
A bulletin board that can help you keep your New Year’s resolutions is one of the best things you can use to stay on track with your goals. It can be a great way to look at your resolutions every day and keep yourself motivated to achieve more.

17. Inspiring Bulletin Board
If you want to start using bulletin boards as an opportunity to show your professional self, then feel free to use them as an inspiration board to help you learn more. You can make the board display your professional goals and the things you want to accomplish while on the job or while working toward it.

18. Yellow Bulletin Board
If you have a board that is colored yellow, then you can create a bulletin board that highlights the different things that make you happy and bring joy. You can use it to highlight your family members and favorite foods and even inspire yourself when life gets tough.

19. Beach Bulletin Board
You can use it to keep the information regarding your future vacation and track how much money you need to make that happen. You can use it to list your destination and highlight some of the main places you want to visit.

20. Unique Bulletin Board
Bulletin boards can be a great way to showcase your personality while at the same time helping you achieve greatness. Use them in whatever way suits you best, and make sure not to settle for something boring or generic. You can use them as an opportunity to create a unique space for yourself, whether it is your home office or your kids’ room (if they are allowed).

20. Colourful Popsicles Bulletin Board
If you want to create a colorful bulletin board for your kids’ room, then consider using popsicle sticks to create a colorful image of different popsicles. You can decorate it further by adding embellishments or even using quotes from books you like.
21. Fish Bulletin Board
If you want to keep your goal structure, consider using a bulletin board to mark your progress. You can create an image of a fish that starts small on the left corner of the board but grows bigger as you make more progress.
22. Wood Bulletin Board
You can use this idea to display a picture of your company logo or even as a way to showcase your favorite recipes/foods. It is also great for displaying quotes that inspire you and make life seem meaningful.

23. Safari Bulletin Board
Consider using a bulletin board as an opportunity to showcase your favorite information about the animals that live in the wild and that make it their home. You can use it to keep track of the different places you visited and even post inspirational messages or quotes from books you like.
24. Secret Santa Bulletin Board
To create a bulletin board that is perfect for the holidays, consider using it as an opportunity to inspire yourself. You can use it to keep track of your goals and the things you want to achieve. This can also be used as a secret Santa gift exchange idea and is sure to be enjoyed by all.
25. Stocking Bulletin Board
Bulletin boards can be a great way to keep track of goals and achievements. You can use it to keep track of the things you have accumulated throughout the year or even something that you need to prioritize. The more you want to put on your board, the better.

26. Disney’s Magic Bulletin Board
You can create a bulletin board of Disney’s images by using images of their characters and putting quotes from their movies on it. You can use it to inspire your kids and show them how much fun you had watching those movies.
27. Carol Bulletin Board
You can use a bulletin board as an opportunity to inspire your kids about the different things there are to do and see in the world. You can also use it to keep track of your goals and the things that you need to do to achieve them. The bulletin board is a great way to showcase yourself and be proud of what you have achieved.

28. Candy Decor Bulletin Board
If you want to use a bulletin board decoration to invite family members and friends over for fun, consider using candy as inspiration. You can create images of different candies by using your favorite ones.
29. Bunny Hopping Bulletin Board
To create a bulletin board that is to be enjoyed by kids and adults alike, consider using a bunny hopping image. You can even use a picture of the bunny itself to serve as inspiration for your kids.
30. Chicken Wings Bulletin Board
You can use this bulletin board idea to keep track of your goals and achievements. You can use it to motivate yourself and keep track of the things you want to achieve. You can hold each goal in one hand and work toward achieving it.
31. World Cuisine Bulletin Board
Bulletin boards can be a great way to inspire yourself concerning the world’s cuisine and which ones you want to try out. You can use it to keep track of your favorite cuisines and even highlight the ingredients you prefer. You can create a unique image of different cuisines and use other images of different meals served in them.
32. Be Thankful Bulletin Board
You can use this bulletin board idea to keep track of the things you are thankful for and the things that make you happy. You can use it to inspire yourself or even display funny pictures of different people. You can also create a list of your favorite people, add them to your board and give them a thank you note.
33. Facts About Thanksgiving Bulletin Board
This is one of the best Thanksgiving bulletin board ideas you can follow. It is a great way to teach kids about the history of this holiday and why we celebrate it. You can display the different fruits, vegetables, and dishes used for Thanksgiving and even highlight how far our country has come in terms of technology and food.
34. Batty Bulletin Board
To create a fun bulletin board for kids and adults alike, consider using a batty image. You can use the images of other animals you like on it and use different pieces of information to build an image of what batty is all about.
35. Love Letter Bulletin Board
You can use a bulletin board to hold notes from the people you love. You can even display your favorite love quotes from books and movies with some of the cards that the people you love have given you. It is a great way to keep memories and thoughts that shape your life.