February is a month of celebration, and so is St Patrick’s day. We see parades, parties, green-themed food, and drink – the whole shebang! What better way to celebrate this joyous occasion than with some fun activities? This blog post will guide you in planning your personal St Patrick’s day celebration.

If you are going to a party, start by researching what type of party and people you would like to invite. Pick the party type and people whose presence will make your St Patrick’s Day the funniest. Prepare in advance – think about food, drinks, and decorations. If you are expecting a large crowd, think about taking a BBQ pit along with some chicken or steak and some drinks and desserts.
30 Best St. Patrick’s Day Activities for a Day Full
1. Enjoy a Shamrock Shake
To enjoy this shake, you should buy a few Shamrock shakes before February 17 and get your friends to help you celebrate St Patrick’s day. You can also buy ingredients beforehand and make the shake at home before going out for fun. Blend milk, sugar, vanilla, and chocolate syrup in a blender until it becomes frothy and smooth.

2. Read a St. Patrick’s Day Themed Book
You can read St. Patrick’s Day-themed books on the Internet to make your reading more fun. You can also do this in person with friends. If you are going to have a party with family members, you can make it a fun activity by reading a book together based on St Patrick’s Day theme while drinking tea or some hot chocolate.

3. Make a Leprechaun Corner Bookmark
If you want to make your gift to celebrate St Patrick’s Day more fun and exciting, you should try making a leprechaun corner bookmark. This can be made in various colors and patterns. You can use some green paper or cloth to attract leprechauns. You can use this bookmark on any book; even better if it is a book that is about Irish history or something related to the spirit of the holiday.
4. Make Music with Rainbow Shakers
This is one of the best and easiest activities to do at your party. You can make a bunch of rainbow shakers right before St Patrick’s day. Then, you can play your music and shake them while dancing to the beat of the music.
You can also use different colors to make your rainbow shakers and give them to friends as gifts or keep some for yourself. Your friends will be surprised at what you have made!
5. Send Your Students on a Scavenger Hunt
This activity will allow you to plan and give your students a fun activity while on break. This can be done on the day of St Patrick’s Day itself or even a couple of days beforehand.
You can tell your students that they have to find certain items like shamrocks, leprechaun ears, the Irish flag, etc. You can also send them out with different numbers of those items where they must find different numbers of each before reaching home.

6. St. Patrick’s Day Bingo
Another great party idea is to make a St. Patrick’s day bingo board. You can just put many different things on the board like Irish foods, beverages, and anything that has to do with St Patrick’s Day. You can play this game with your friends by giving each of your friends a card and having them write down their names on it for the game.

7. Leprechaun Hunt
This activity is different from the scavenger hunt in that you put leprechauns around the house instead of searching for them. You should hide some gold coins and a little tiny gold leprechaun to set this game up. If your kids are young, you can hide little toys or stickers to make it easier for them to find things.

8. Chase A Rainbow Game
You can play a game at your party called the rainbow chase. The rules are a bit hard to explain, but you should know that the game is about having several people chase after this colorful thing called a “rainbow.” You can start with just one person trying to catch the rainbow. If they succeed, they will take turns chasing it around the room; if they fail, you have to put another player in their place and so on until someone captures it.

9. Have a Costume Contest
If you have children or a group of friends, you can start a costume contest. Just fill up your bedroom with all different types of costumes and give each person in the room a card with their birthday or St. Patrick’s Day flying on it. You can also give them a prize if they are the one who succeeds in dressing up in the best costume at the end of the night.

10. Drink Green Beer
What would St. Patrick’s Day be without green beer? You can buy different types of green beer from the store or make your own at home. The idea here is to drink a lot of it and have fun!

11. Plan a Scavenger Hunt
To make your St Patrick’s day scavenger hunt fun, you should develop different rules for it. You can start by just letting your friends search for things related to St. Patrick’s Day in their rooms, but you can also decide on taking turns finding the items and going until someone finds all the items on the list.

12. Celebrate Mass
If you happen to be Catholic, you can celebrate Mass at your church or just at home. This can be a great way to bond with friends and family. You can even make a party of the Mass. St. Patrick’s Day honors Ireland’s patron saint. Many secular celebrations highlight Irish history and culture on St. Patrick’s Day. For others, the event honors the patron saint who brought Christianity to the country.

13. Play the Drinking Game
This is a great way to celebrate with friends at your home or office. You will need several glasses and lots of beverages like beer or wine. You can even add some ingredients to your drinks to make them taste better, and you can also change the rules of this game to make it more fun for everyone involved.

14. Recite an Irish Blessing
Did you know that there is an Irish blessing? It goes like this “May the wind always be at your back and may the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.”

15. Enjoy a Family Brunch
This is a great way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day with your family and friends. You can have a wonderful brunch or lunch at your home for everyone. You can even make some pancakes, Irish crepes, and beverages like tea or hot chocolate for everyone to enjoy. You can also ask friends if they would like to come too; you should invite them to help prepare a nice brunch.

16. Plant Shamrocks
This is a very easy but enjoyable activity to do on St Patrick’s Day. You can pick up some green patches of grass and plant shamrocks on top of them. You can even do this in your front or backyard. You can picture having a nice big field full of green shamrocks. This is a great way to spend your time while you are celebrating St Patrick’s Day.

17. Bake Soda Bread
This is a great way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. You can bake some Irish soda bread on the day itself, or you can even make it ahead of time so that everything is ready for St Patrick’s Day, and you can just bring it over for everyone when the day comes.

18. Make Some St. Patrick’s Day Crafts
St. Patrick’s Day is a day that should be celebrated with lots of fun and creativity. You can start by making some traditional leprechaun hats, mugs, key chains, posters, and glasses using pictures or pictures of shamrocks. These items can then be placed around your house or yard to make it look more festive for St Patrick’s Day. You can even do some traditional Irish jigsaws to get more creative with your St Patrick’s Day crafts.

19. Test Your Luck Playing a St. Paddy’s Game
This is a great way to spend your St. Patrick’s Day if you want to test your luck. You will need some water and some coins or beads to play this game. You can use different colored beads for this game to make it more fun. The rules of the game are simple, and anyone can play it.

20. Watch an Irish Movie
This is a great way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day with your friends and family. You can rent or buy an Irish movie from the store or Internet. You can also hire a company that provides Irish movies for you to watch.

21. Sip on Green Drinks
This is a great way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. You can use green food coloring in your drinks and add some sugar or lemon. This will make your day much more fun and lively.

22. Bake Festive Desserts
Baking is a great way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. You can bake some traditional Irish soda bread or some Irish soda biscuits to go along with your drinks. You can also bake some Irish bread and make some green tea to serve it.

23. Make Some Musical Instruments
This is an easy activity for St Patrick’s Day, especially if you have a few friends who are musicians. You can make some musical instruments such as the did is and drums using special materials available in the store.

24. Watch a Virtual St. Patrick’s Day Parade
This is a great way to watch a virtual St. Patrick’s Day parade. You can rent or buy the Apple iPad mini or any other tablet that has an app on it, and then you can just enjoy all the amazing characters walking in different costumes and dressing up on St Patrick’s Day!

25. Learn the History Behind St. Patrick’s Day
If you want to learn more about St Patrick, you should read a book or a book about the history of Ireland and the history of St Patrick’s Day. You will be amazed at how all this came to be and why it is celebrated on March 17.
26. Make a Traditional Irish Meal
This is also a great way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. You can make traditional Irish dishes such as scones, Irish soda bread, and some Irish stew. You can even make it using some recipes from the Internet if you want to.

27. Learn How to Stepdance
This is a great activity to do on St Patrick’s Day. You can learn how to stepdance or Irish dances on St. Patrick’s Day, especially if you are a newbie. You will be learning many different dances, such as jigging, reel dancing, and country dancing. If you know Irish dances, they are easy to learn, and they will look great when you perform them in the public space where you are going anyway.

28. Create a Special Playlist
This is another great way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. If you love music but are not that good at it, you can always create a special playlist of Irish music and listen to it while you are performing your St Patrick’s Day activities. You will be amazed at how much fun you will have while listening to this kind of music on St Patrick’s Day.

29. Learn a Bit of Gaelic
If you have not learned much Gaelic before, this is a great way to increase your knowledge. You can learn some basic Irish vocabulary and practice it while preparing to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.

30. Conduct a Hands-on Experiment with Green Slime
This is a wonderful idea to do on St Patrick’s Day, and this experiment can be done with all of your guests. You will create green slime that is ready for use, and you can take it wherever you want to go. All you will need are the following ingredients: 2 cups of contact lens solution, 1 cup of white glue, and some food color.