The baby name list is below for parents looking for a strong, beautiful, or clever girl’s name. Sometimes it’s hard to find a suitable baby name, but we’ve got the best words here that are beautiful and strong. These 101 girl names will provide you with plenty of inspiration.

1. Adira
Adira is a feminine name of Hebrew origin meaning “strong one” or “worthy” or “strongest, most beautiful.” Along with Maria and Sarah, it is one of the names given to the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. It’s also a variant of Adelia. Adira is also a form of the English name Adelaide. This name is of English origin. Adira is a variant of Addie, Adele, and Adelaide.
2. Aila
Aila is a feminine name of Hebrew origin meaning “strong” or “worthy.” It’s also one of the names of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. It’s also a variant of Elijah. Aila is also a form of the English name Alicia. This name is of Hebrew origin. Aila is also a form of the English name Alice.
3. Asta
An st name for girls, Asta means “the princess, the noble one” and is also a Scandinavian word for “gift.” It’s also one of the names of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism, along with Maria and Sarah. It’s also a variant of Esta. Asta is also a form of the English name Athena. This name is of male origin. Asta is also a form of the English name Astra.
4. Audra
Audra is a feminine name meaning “strong” or “noble” and also means “black mulberry tree.” Audra is also an English variant of Audrey. Audra is a variant of Audrey.
5. Bali
Bali is a firm name for girls, being one of the names of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. It’s also one of the names of the Hindu god Shiva. Bali is also a form of Eulalia. Bali is also a variant of Bela, Belle, and Belle.
6. Bedelia
Bedelia is a feminine name of English origin meaning “the blessed one” or “the blessing.” Bedelia is also a form of the English name Beatrice. This name means “bee” in Hebrew and harp in Welsh. Bedelia is also a variant of Bedelia.
7. Bidu
Bidu is a feminine name meaning “the sun” in Ethiopian. It’s also a Persian word for “the sun.” Bidu is the Swedish word for “bee.” Bidu is an African name meaning “spring.”
8. Bree
Bree is a feminine name of English origin, meaning “from the area.” It’s also a Scottish word for “birch.”
9. Britta
Britta is a feminine name of German origin, meaning “from the briar.” Scandinavia and Denmark are also home to this species. It’s also a Bridget variation.
10. Drusilla
Drusilla is a feminine name of Latin origin, meaning “of the willow.” It’s also a variant of Drucilla. Drusilla is also a variant of the English name Dulce and the Spanish name Dulce.
11. Irie
Irie is a feminine name meaning “from the ivy tree.” It’s also a Spanish word for “ivy.” Irie is also a variant of Iriana.
12. Isa
Isa is a feminine name meaning “the princess, the noble one” and a Scandinavian word for “gift.” It’s also one of the names of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism, along with Maria and Sarah. It’s also a variant of Elijah. Isa is an alternate spelling of the English name Alicia.
13. Melisande
Melisande is a feminine given name, the French form of Germanic Melanie, which from the Greek word μελισσα, meaning “honey” or “honeybee.” Melusine, a medieval legend, is generally associated with it. Melisande is also a variant of Melissa. It can also be a surname. Melisande also has a sister named Meline.
14. Millicent
Millicent is the form of the Latin name Milicent, meaning “she who has much strength.” It is a variant of Melissa. The term initially appeared in the nineteenth century and became popular in the 1920s. Another variation of Millicent is Melisande.
15. Rainey
Rainey is an English name for girls meaning “reindeer.” This was an old English name first recorded in the 13th century. It could also be a combination of Rayne and Rhiannon. Ray and Ree are two other options.
16. Riella
Riella is a name that is of French origin and means “strong ruler, powerful.” It may also be a short form of words like Irène and Rosalie. It may alternately be a variant spelling of the name Rhiannon.
17. Rita
Rita is a short form of names like Margarita and Yolanda. It also means “pearl” in Spanish. Rita was in the English language until the end of the nineteenth century, but it was until the 1930s. The name came into use as a feminine equivalent of the masculine name Harry and had a given name and a nickname for girls named Margaret or Margaret.
18. Trudy
Trudy is an English name for girls meaning “strength.” This was an old English name first recorded in the Middle Ages. It may also be a variant of Tryphena, Trudy, or Tyndall. Other variations are Trypeta, Tyna, and Kathleen.
19. Zenobia
Zenobia is the name of a queen from Palmyra who lived in the 3rd century. This was also an old name derived from the Arabic word zanbiyya, which means “strong.” Its name is both masculine and feminine. Zabbai was the male form, and Zabbaiyya was the female version.
20. Akeeva Or Akiva
Akiva is the character from the historical book, The Wars of the Jews, who was said to have been a king and an early Christian convert. This was an old name derived from Hebrew and meant “help.” Another form of this name is Akiva.
21. Alessia
Alessia is a name of Italian name origins, which has a feminine form of the masculine name Alessio. Also, it is a variant of Alissa. Alessia is also a variant of Alecia and Alexandra.
22. Amira or Ameera
Amira/Ameera is an Arabic name meaning “born during the night” or “dignified” or “noble.” It’s also a spelling variation of Aimee or Amy. Amira is used predominantly among Muslims and is also a common name in the Persian community. It is from the Persian/Arabic word Amry or Ameer, which means leader.
23. Artemis
In Greek mythology, Artemis is the goddess of the Moon, Hunting, and Nature. This name is also used as a modern name, inspired by the goddess. It means strong, powerful, and fearless.
24. Athena
According to Greek mythology, Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, bravery, strategy, war, and justice. It also means “wise.” Due to its use in the television series “Batman,” this moniker became famous in the 1960s.
25. Briana or Brianna
Briana is an American and Spanish name meaning “strong.” Bryan is a feminine version of the male name Bryan. Brianna is also a feminine form of Bryan’s male character, or a variant of Brina, which means “young” or “flower.”
26. Bridget, Brigid, or Brighid
Bridget is an Irish name meaning “power.” Brigid is a Roman name for the goddess of healing and agriculture, which was later translated to Irish as Bridgid and then to English as Brighid. It means “strong like God.”
27. Bryndis
Bryndis is an Icelandic name meaning “strong.” It’s also a spelling variation of Brinda, which is another form of Brighid.
28. Colette
Colette is a French name meaning “strong.” It is also a version of “Colleen” and Celine, which are Irish names meaning “strong.”
29. Diana
Diana is the Roman Goddess of Hunting, Forests, Animals, and Plants. It also means “lady of the dawn.” This name is due to the character played by Audrey Hepburn in “Roman Holiday.” Diana also has been among women in England since the Elizabethan period.
30. Elaheh
Elaheh is a name of Persian origin, meaning “the most beautiful.” It is also a variant of Helene, a form of Helen, and means “sun ray” or “bright.” Elaheh is also a name of Persian origin with the meaning “strong, powerful.”
31. Fallon
Fallon is a shortened form of the name Hannah, which is a Hebrew name meaning “blessing.” It is also a variant of Phyliss and Phyllis, Greek names meaning “bright or cheerful.” Fallon is also a variant of Faylinn, which means “bright” or “fair.”
32. Gabriella
Gabriella is a name of Hebrew origin meaning “strong,” “manly,” or “earthy.” It is also the feminine form of Gabriel, which means “man of God.” Gabriella is also a variant of Gabriela, which means “strong” or “man.”
33. Hera
Hera is the Greek Goddess of Women and Queen of Heaven and the Cosmos. Hera is also a Roman name meaning “highborn” or “noble.” Hera was also the mother of Zeus.
35. Jasira
Jasira is an Arabic name meaning “strong” or “vigorous.” It is also a form of Yasin, which means “the most beautiful.” Jasira is also a variant of the name Jessica and Yasmin.
36. Kinda
Canada is a name of Swahili origin meaning “strong.” It is also a variant of Kenda, which means “strong and beautiful.” Canada is also a variant of Kennda, which means “strong.”
37. Kana
Kana is a Japanese name meaning “strong.” It is also a variant of Kinara and Kiren, which means “young woman.” Kana is also an Anglicized form of the Japanese name Kanazawa.
38. Lauren
Lauren is a French name that means “the one who laughs.” c
38. Kendra
Kendra is a name of Gaelic origin, which means “from the strong fort.” This name has been popular among English speakers since the twentieth century. Kendra is a variant form of the word Kenda, which means “strong and beautiful.”
39. Leola or Leona
Leola or Leona is a name of German origins, which means “strong den mother.” It is also a variant of Helga, which means “helpless.” Leola or Leona is also a variant of the name Helga, which means “helpless.”
40. Maajida
Maajida is a name of Arabic origin, which means “the strong one.” It is also a variant of Mayada, which means “patient” or “strong.” Masjid is also one of the names of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism.
41. Meredith
Meredith is a Welsh name that means “greatly adored.” This name is an English form of the Welsh Rhiannon. It’s also a variant of Meridiana and Muriel. Meredith is also used in Ireland as an Anglicized form of Máiréad. Rhiannon was a goddess in Celtic mythology, and Máiréad was the wife of Finn Mac Cool, the legendary Irish hero, and leader. This name means “intelligent.
42. Moxie
Moxie is a name of English origin meaning “strength of character.” Roxanne and Roxanna have also abbreviated forms of the names Roxanne and Roxanna. Moxie was first used as a nickname for MOXIE (Coca-Cola) in 1899, while it was to signify “liveliness, spirit” in 1922. It became associated with the women’s liberation movement in the 1960s.
43. Myla
Myla is a name of Scandinavian origin, meaning “strength, might.” It’s a variation of Melania. Melania was never used as a baby name until recently when it became popular after Melania Knauss married Donald Trump, US President-elect.
44. Neilina
Neila is a Bulgarian name meaning “the sun.” Helen, Neilina, Hilaria, and Nila were all given this name in Old English. In 2006 it was listed in the US Top 1000 list. This name is of English, Hebrew, and Latin origin. It is a variant of Helen, Nicola, and Nila. Neila is also a form of Anneliese. This Bulgarian name means “the sun.”
45. Nyathera
Nyathera is a name of African origin meaning “strong, powerful, courageous.” This name was popular in South Africa. Nyathera is also a form of the masculine names Nathanael and Nathan. The meaning of the name Nyathera changed from “strong, powerful” to “spiritual” as it evolved.
46. Oma
Oma is a German name meaning “grandma” or “grandmother.” It is a variation of the name Oma, used by ancient Germanic tribes, including the Norse people, who were famous as fierce warriors.
47. Philomena
Philomena is a Latin name meaning “loved one.” It is by an early Christian saint who, because of her Christian beliefs. In Europe, it has since the Middle Age. Philomena is also a variant of Philly, a short form of Phillipa, which means “lover of horses” and by English speakers in the Middle Ages to mean “horse-loving lady.”
48. Qadira
Qadira is a name of Arabic origin meaning “strong” or “powerful.” It is the feminine form of Qadir, which means “strong” in Arabic. This name can also serve as Kadra or Kadera. It is also a variation of Kadira and Khadira, which mean “powerful.”
49. Ragnilda
Ragnhild is a name of Scandinavian origin, meaning “strong ruler.” In Norse mythology, Ragnild was the spouse of Ragnar Lodbrok, the Viking hero. Ragnhild was a regal woman who ruled her home and children wisely and firmly. Ragnar means “advice warrior,” from Old Norse Ragnar “advice” and Old Norse garðr “enclosure”; it is related to English warder, as well as guard.
50. Reika
Reika is a Japanese name meaning “pure, full of joy.” It’s an ancient Japanese name meaning “pure.” The US Top 1000 list recently included this name. Reika is also a form of Reiko. Reiko is a Japanese name meaning “joyous, cheerful.” It is the feminine form of Reikichi, which means “the man who brings joy.” Both characters have been in Japan since the 19th century.
51. Rhiannon
Rhiannon is a name of Welsh origin meaning “greatly loved, praised.” In the Middle Ages, it was a nickname for Rhiana. Rhiana was the name of an old woman in Welsh mythology who brought the water god Llyr to Wales and taught humans to till the soil and cultivate crops. Her son named her Rhuthon after her. In Wales, this name is also famous as an Anglicized form of Rhiannon.
52. Ronnae, Ronalda, Ronika, Ronisha, or Ronnelle
Ronnae, Ronalda, Ronika, Ronisha and Ronnelle are feminine forms of Ronnie. Ronnie is a name of English origin meaning “famous ruler.” It was popular in the early 20th century in the US, where it was a French form of the Old German name Ragnvald. In 1920 it was listed as one of the top 100 boy names.
53. Saida, Saeeda, or Sayida
Saida is a name of Arabic origin meaning “wise.” It’s also a version of the Indonesian word Saadah, which means “knowledge or insight.” This name in Indonesia is a variant of Sa’adah, which means “happy; satisfaction.”
54. Sigrid
Sigrid is a name of Old Norse origin meaning “victorious, triumphant.” A 10th-century Norwegian queen bore it. In Iceland, it is still popular as a variant of Sigriður, which means “victory rune.” These names can also serve as Sigridur and Sigriðr.
55. Tiaret
Tiaret is a name of French origin meaning “little, small.” Tiaret is also a form of the masculine names Theodore and Theodoric. In the early Middle Ages, this name was popular in France. There are several feminine forms of Tiaret: Tiare, Tiaré, Tiarra, and Diawara.
56. Velda
Velda is a German short form of Adalheidis, Adelheid, and Adelaide. Until recently, it is in the United States. Velda was born in Germany and Austria to a 9th-century saint who murdered her husband for refusing to convert to Islam. Velta, which means “valley,” is another spelling of this name.
57. Victoria
Victoria is a feminine form of the Latin name Victora, which means “conqueror, victory bringer.” It is used in many countries to name girls after Victory Day, celebrated on the 9th of May. In British English, Victoria is a feminine form of the masculine name Victor.
58. Wilma
Wilma is a Germanic name meaning “will power.” In the Middle Ages, Wilma was a nickname for Willa. This name is a variant of Wilem, which means “will power.” This name was more popular in the US at the end of the 20th century. Wilma in the US Top 1000 list in 2016.
59. Zaila
Zaila is a name of Arabic origin meaning “fearless” or “dauntless.” This name was in the Middle Ages, after the Crusades. This name is a feminine form of the masculine name Zayid. Zayid is the Arabic form of the Arabic word Zayid, which means “worthy.” This name has been in Spain since Medieval times.
60. Zenevieva
Zenevieva is a Russian name meaning “mother.” It is a variant of Zenovia and Zenobia, names of Greco-Roman origin. They mean “daughter of Zeus” and “strong as a wild bull,” respectively. In the Early Middle Ages, Zenevieva was an Old Slavic form of Hagen’s Greek name.
61. Andrea
Andrea is a name of Italian and German origin. It means “man’s servant” or “man’s help” or “servant of the Lord.”Along with Maria and Sarah, it is also a name given to the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. This meaning may be from the Latin radiator, “helper.”
62. Arnia
Arnia is a name of Hebrew origin meaning “rebel” or “man’s servant,” an epithet of God. Along with Maria and Sarah, it is also one of the names given to the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. This meaning is from its Biblical use as an epithet for God. Arnia is also a variant form of the English name Arnie. Arnia is a form of the French name Armand, which means “defensive fighter.
63. Atonia
Atonia is a name of English and Latin origin. It means “a noble kind.” It’s meaning from data, a word in the Gaulish language that means “noble.” It is also a variant of Titania, which means “noble seed.”
64. Bernadette
Bernadette is a name of French origin. It means “brave as a bear.” Along with Maria and Sarah, it is one of the names given to the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. This meaning is from Bernadette’s Old French form, which means “spear hardy.”
65. Chasing
Chasing is a name of African origin. It means “strong one.” Along with Maria and Sarah, it is one of the names given to the Virgin Mary in Catholicism. This is from the Arabic word khat, which means “noble.”
66. Ebba
Ebba is a name of Old Norse origin that means “flame.” It is also one of the names of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism, along with Maria and Sarah. This meaning may be from its use as a synonym for Óðinn’s wife, Yrsa, in Norse mythology.
67. Erryn
Erryn is a Welsh name, a variation of Erynn, which means “strong, brave.” It may also be Erin and Erinn. This name is of Welsh origin and in Wales.
68. Fortney or Fortnea
Fortney or Fortnea is a Hebrew name meaning “strong one.” It is from the word forty, which means “to be strong.” This is a name that is appropriate for both males and girls.
69. Gertrude
Gertrude is a Latin name meaning “strength.” It could also be a German name, meaning “strength of a spear.” This name is of German origin and by Saint Gertrude the Great. Gertrude is the anglicized form of the Old German name Gerhild
70. Honovi
Honovi is a Native American name meaning “strong woman.” It is of Hopi and Sioux origin. This name in Hawaii where means “powerful woman.”
71. Imara
Imara is a Native American name meaning “powerful.” This name is of Sioux origin. This name in Hawaii where means “powerful woman.”
72. Ibiza
Ibiza is a Native American name meaning “strong.” This name is of Hopi origin, but it could also be of Sioux origin. Ibiza is also a variant of the Native American name Imama.
73. Jaiyana
Jaina is a Native American name meaning “powerful.” This name is of Hopi and Sioux origin. Also, this could be Jaiyanah, which means “strong.”
74. Karleen
Karleen is a name of English origin meaning “strong royal.” This name could also as a form of Carol or Karol.
75. Kemena or Kemina
Kemena or Kemina is a Native American name meaning “powerful.” This name is of Sioux origin. Also, this could be Kemena, which means “powerful woman,” and Kemmina, which means “strong and powerful.”
76. Keren
Keren is a name of Hebrew origin meaning “gift of God.” This name first appears in the Bible when Abraham’s servant finds Isaac a bride.
77. Lenna
Lenna is a name of English origin that means “strong.” Lenna and Lennie are top 100 names for the girls. Lenna is also a variation of Lenore’s English name from Lenora’s name.
78. Matilda or Mathilde
Matilda or Mathilde is a name of English origin that means “mighty one.” This name is Mathilda’s character from the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.
79. Matina
Matina is a name of Greek origin meaning “strong.” This name in the Philippines where means “strong.” Both boys and girls will like this name.
80. Mildred
Mildred is a name of English origin meaning “strength.” Mildred and Millie are two of the most popular girls’ names, while Mildretta is Finland’s most popular girl’s name.
81. Nalda
The name Nalda is a beautiful and strong-sounding name for girls. The meaning is also excellent as it means valley. This is the name of a river near where we live, although we had no idea that it was ever associated with a strong female character in the fiction of the past. You can read more about Nalda in the Nants ingonyama Bhagirathi baba song from the Lion King.
82. Valentina
This is a name that many would like to give a little girl because it means strong and healthy. It’s also a beautiful name with the meaning of health or vitality. Valentina’s name was brought to attention when there was the first woman in space called Valentina Tereshkova. You might also have heard of Valentina Visconti, an Italian noblewoman who was also called The Siren of the Middle Ages.
83. Wyetta
The name Wyetta is a beautiful name meaning strong, and the meaning of strength makes it an all-around good name for girls. It’s also a very pretty-sounding name, so this one will be popular.
84. Annemarie
Annemarie is a name that means strong and beautiful, and those are characteristics you want for a baby. This name’s meaning is also lovely, which makes it even better. This name was the title of the highest female rank in 16th century Sweden, and it’s also an excellent middle name choice.
85. Aoife
Aoife means beautiful and robust, and it’s a name that’s both. This is an all-around good name for a girl, in our opinion. The meaning of the name is equally lovely, which leads us back to the solid and exquisite description of this baby’s name.
86. Bellatrix
Bellatrix is a name of a fictional character in Harry Potter. The name means proud and beautiful, and it’s perfect for a strong, proud girl. It’s also a beautiful sound and character, so you will like this if you’re a Potter fan.
87. Bellona
Bellona is a strong-sounding name for girls that honors the Roman goddess of war. The name Bella means beautiful and love, and combined with the war goddess, it’s a tremendous and strong-sounding name.
88. Brenda or Brenna
Brenda and Brenna are names that mean strong. The sound of these names is also excellent, and they will suit either a pretty or older-looking girl depending on your preference.
89. Cassandra
Cassandra’s name is another beautiful, strong, and powerful name for a girl. The name’s meaning is also lovely, as it implies wise and lovely. This is only one of the many great names that have been used in fiction or real life to describe great women.
90. Fianna
Fianna is the people who are loyal to the High King of Ireland, and this name is even better because it means robust and confident. It’s also a beautiful-sounding name.
91. Hilde, Hildegaard, Hildegarde, or Hildegard
Hilde is an ancient German name meaning solid and beautiful. The word’s spelling is very similar to Hilda, but Hilda is an English female name while Hilde is a German one. This means that it’s still a good choice for some people, but as you can see from other names already mentioned, more girls than boys will be choosing this one.
92. Kinley
Kinley is a beautiful name that means strong and beautiful, and that’s great for a girl. The name means unknown or secret, which is an all-around good description of this baby’s strength.
93. Louisa
Louisa is a pretty name meaning strong, and it will sound good on any baby. It’s a beautiful girl’s name and an excellent choice if it fits your style.
94. Marcella or Marcelline
Marcella and Marcelline are names that mean warrior, and this is a very strong-sounding name for girls. The spelling of the terms is also very unique, so you will be able to pick out your baby girl in a crowd because of this one.
95. Maude
Maude is a very unusual name on this baby names list, but it sounds beautiful and robust. The name means girl or wife of a nobleman, which is a good description of the name’s strength.
96. Minka
Minka is a more unusual name that means strong, and it’s not one that your baby will be sharing with anyone else. This is because it’s from a language spoken in Russia. The name is also fantastic sounding, so this is an excellent choice if your baby isn’t being used to being the only one who has their name in the class.
97. Nikita
Nikita is a name that sounds strong, and it’s an excellent choice for your baby. The meaning of the name is also strong, and this will be an all-around good choice for your baby girl.
98. Sasha or Sascha
Sasha is a beautiful and robust name used in both English and Russian. It means strong, which it’s what you need for a baby. The name’s meaning is also lovely, as it means “God has heard me.”
99. Shamra
Sharma is a beautiful name that means strength and beauty. The name is equally lovely since it means “the Lord has protected me.” This is a very strong-sounding name, so this will be popular with some people.
100. Tyra
Tyra is a beautiful name that means strong and proud, and it’s a name that will suit any baby girl. The meaning of the name is also excellent, as it means strong as iron.
101. Valda
Valda is a perfect all-around name for girls, as it means strong, and it’s also a beautiful name. The meaning of the name is also solid and beautiful, which makes this one even more attractive to some people.