A discovery basket is a great opportunity for kids to expose to various objects by using, in a mixture manner, their senses, the likes of weighting, smelling, tasting, and coloring.
Giving your babies their own sets of baskets to discover is a super-fun activity. You could start introducing these baskets to your children at the age of four-month-old, or even sooner, as long as your kid could explore things comfortably with his or her own hands.
The idea of making baby treasury baskets

A discovery, or a treasury, a basket is a simple basket, the bowl could be used as a replacement from time to time, filled with a dozen items. By placing in the basket various sensory objects, you could be creative and customize your baskets in your desires, you could help to develop your children’s senses.
The discovery basket is best suitable for a baby and, in some cases, a younger toddler. The basket themes could vary among letter sounds, nature collections, colors, sortable topics with the likes of animals or living-room tools or musical objects.
Discovery baskets could enable children to practice their senses more interactively while they are exploring their given objects. Montessori method pointed out that children’s brains are developed by discovering a gesture of hands. When fingers touch an object, feelings and judgments are recorded and sent back to the brains for further development.
Why practicing treasure basket helpful for an infant?

The reason for the idea of discovery baskets is that, to the surprise of most young parents, even young children need different textures. To be specific:
- A desire to connect with nature starts even at the early development stage of a human.
- Many plastic toys nowadays are intensively advertised and sold to parents without any proven records of bringing benefits to the child.
- Babies are believed to be able to absorb and acquire new knowledge or behaviors in a constant manner. In other words, scientifically speaking, adults are better at providing them with some worthy things to discover.
So how could you deploy this amazing activity for your beloved child?
The right timeline
Some people think that this idea should only be deployed until a child enters his or her toddler stage which is rather wrong than right. Experts say babies could get on well with discovering ideas after their 4-month-old anniversary.
Unfamiliar items
You would find that these baskets fit best when they are filled with items that your baby does not regularly access. However, keep in mind that the items placed in still have to remain safe for him or her to play with.
Parents could consider conducting a toy rotation during the middle of a discovering activity so that when your kids starting to get a little bored with their current set-up, a new injection could add some refreshments into playtime.
Position baskets on a bookshelf (with suitable high level)
This will help increase your child’s willingness in discovering at the initiation of the exploring process. By doing so, they could fully use their eyes to discover, ears to hear (if their given items could raise some noises), noses to practice smelling, mouth to taste and hands to touch.
Introduce materials that are safe for children only
Make sure your chosen items in a basket would not harm your child. These items should not either a choking trigger or bring other dangers. Please consider choosing the natural-rooted materials to fill in your kid’s baskets, such as wood, wool, metal (without any sharp angles), cotton, or leather.
Say the name of the object
Let the prepared treasury basket be accessed and explored plainly by your kids on her or his own. You might consider joining with them as well. During the interaction time, you can shout out the objects, which they are holding, names.
Baby discovery basket ideas
There are many options to choose when setting up a basket idea. Here we provided you some basic choices and remember, you could be as creative as you want under the circumstances that you follow the above rules
Little Bunny (stuffed)

Every basket needs an adorable stuffed animal and does not make it missing out of your kid’s baskets. These stuffed objects are super soft and cute. Moreover, these could be something that your children could play along for years.
You might consider adding a customized stuffed animal for your baby by her or his name on the animal ear. That would also act as a keepsake to remain for a considerable time.
Winkel Toy
Winkel toy is a classic type of baby toy, which could last for ages. Its flexible shape enhances it to be effortless and fun for your kids to hold. They could practice holding through this session. Besides, hardly any noise created from them and or no electricity is needed, which would be considerable advantages for a toy.
This is certainly a worthy type of treasury basket for young kids as many interactions could be generated from a Winkel toy.
If you have not already tried to have some of your cute photos with your baby (a girl preferably) in a tu-tu, this activity would help you. These toys are undeniably adorable which could make a wonderful filler for a baby discovery basket.
Also, please do not forget that they could come along with their headbands, with matched colors, as well. This headband could also be deployed separately, without the tu-tu appearance.
Bow Tie
Now an object for boys and a photo activity as well. What objects could be better for your little boy than a little set of bow ties? If you are about to have a boy, please be informed that shopping accessories for baby boys, surprisingly, is just as much fun as for that of baby girls. There are many choices of suspenders, hats and bow ties waiting for you to explore.
Discovery Book

If these above items have not met you liking yet, maybe the idea of a book to discover could enable that? It could also be the first toy for your children to take an interest in and does not reduce any excitement of your kid’s baskets.
These books do not require many efforts to prepare. However, this does not reduce any of its interesting needs. Each page could make noise and have a glooming and happy character looking back. They could also stick up to a car seat, which could help distract your kids while you are focusing on the road in the middle of highways.